〈RE SYU RYU〉は、そんな日本ならではの見立ての心に学び、コーディネート次第で特別な日にも、何気ない一日にも寄り添うファッションを提案します。
“Between the ordinary and the extraordinary”
Thanks to their unique aesthetic sense, since ancient times the Japanese have paid attention to what cannot be seen with the eyes, perceiving elements such as natural light, the wind, the change of seasons, etc.
Even today we prefer to express beauty by combining something imperfect and irregular in a balanced way, rather than seeking perfection.
RE SYU RYU learns from Japanese spirit and creates a fashion suitable for both special occasions and everyday life, depending on the combinations. We aim to create a unique style that makes even the wearer’s feelings beautiful.
■About Designer
桜川友里恵 | クリエイティブディレクター